Category: Uncategorized

  • You know, sometimes we think wisdom is this rare thing that only a few special people have. We picture wise people as having all the right answers and making perfect choices without even trying. Do you know the truth is that wisdom is a skill that can be learned and improved upon over time rather…


  • By Rico Handjaja In the story of life, the things we do every day, like brushing our teeth and eating breakfast, can shape what happens to us later on. Imagine if I told you that small actions you do regularly, like these, can actually change your whole future. There’s a saying that goes, “You don’t choose…


  • From Command and Control to Collaboration By Rico Handjaja When you imagine a leadership structure within any organization, you will typically come up with a hierarchy of some sort. A few executives or managers stand at the top and drive the direction of the business while the workers underneath fulfill their roles within the constraints of the…


  • By Rico Handjaja Acquiring leadership skills improves leaders’ competency and earning potential, builds and sustains relationships within the organization and improves particular professional capabilities. Different ideas and theories of leadership have been developed to enable aspiring managers to comprehend the process and strategies of developing and strengthening quality leadership at the workplace. One notable theory…


  • By Rico Handjaja Introduction Imagine you are having dinner with your loved ones and talking about the day’s activities as normal. But what if you could have more in-depth discussions on mental health in addition to the laughs and chitchat? In 2023, we are at a turning point when it is more important than ever to…


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